AKC Canine Partners - The AKC Canine Partners™ Program is an all-encompassing program that welcomes all mixed breed dogs of any age to the AKC family. Dogs enrolled as an AKC Canine Partners™ pup have the ability to participate in AKC sports and events, like Agility, AKC Rally, or Obedience.
Purebred Alternative Listing (PAL) - If you have a purebred dog that cannot be registered with the AKC and have a desire to see what your dog can do in real competition, a PAL number is your ticket to the world of AKC events and clubs!
All-Breed show - Conformation show where all breeds are exhibited.
Best in Show -At an All-Breed show, the only dog left undefeated at the end of all judging on that day.
Best of Breed - Dog selected by the judge as the best representative of a particular breed on that day.
Best of Opposite Sex - The best dog that is of the opposite sex to the Best of Breed winner.
Best of Variety - At an All-Breed show, the award that is given in lieu of Best of Breed for those breeds divided by varieties. At specialty shows, the Best of Variety winners are judged in the Best of Breed competition. There are nine breeds that are divided into varieties: Cockers, Beagles, Collies, Dachshunds, Bull Terriers, Manchester Terriers, Chihuahuas, English Toy Spaniels, and Poodles.
Best of Winners - The dog judged as best between the Winners Dog and Winners Bitch.
Champion (Ch.) - A title conferred on a dog by the AKC as a result of defeating a specified number of dogs in specified competition at a series of AKC licensed or member dog shows.
Title - An award conferred on a dog for completing specific qualifications earned at AKC events or AKC-sponsored activities.
Purebred Alternative Listing (PAL) - If you have a purebred dog that cannot be registered with the AKC and have a desire to see what your dog can do in real competition, a PAL number is your ticket to the world of AKC events and clubs!
All-Breed show - Conformation show where all breeds are exhibited.
Best in Show -At an All-Breed show, the only dog left undefeated at the end of all judging on that day.
Best of Breed - Dog selected by the judge as the best representative of a particular breed on that day.
Best of Opposite Sex - The best dog that is of the opposite sex to the Best of Breed winner.
Best of Variety - At an All-Breed show, the award that is given in lieu of Best of Breed for those breeds divided by varieties. At specialty shows, the Best of Variety winners are judged in the Best of Breed competition. There are nine breeds that are divided into varieties: Cockers, Beagles, Collies, Dachshunds, Bull Terriers, Manchester Terriers, Chihuahuas, English Toy Spaniels, and Poodles.
Best of Winners - The dog judged as best between the Winners Dog and Winners Bitch.
Champion (Ch.) - A title conferred on a dog by the AKC as a result of defeating a specified number of dogs in specified competition at a series of AKC licensed or member dog shows.
Title - An award conferred on a dog for completing specific qualifications earned at AKC events or AKC-sponsored activities.